So Our Children Don't Have to Recover from Childhood

How to Turn Daily Struggles into Cooperation



Knowledge that saves families

Perhaps, just like us 12 years ago (when we became parents for the first time), you are looking for answers to many questions:

  • How, using the latest knowledge, can you wisely support your child's development?

  • How should you react when your child has tantrums, becomes hysterical, or refuses to cooperate?

  • How do you set boundaries for your child without using violence or punishment?

  • How can you manage your own emotions?

  • How in parenting can you find the strength to handle all this and draw joy, wisdom, and strength from it...


For 17 years, I have been helping people in life crises. I am a psychologist, psychotherapist, and couples therapy specialist. In my practice, I help individuals 'recover' from childhoods where they experienced a lack of unconditional love and instead faced many hurts and traumas :(

I assist them in closing painful stories from the past, in finding their true selves, their strength, their worth... Here on the blog, through online courses, and in my guides, I strive to reach parents with supportive knowledge.

All this is so they can love, support, and respect their children wisely! And so that the children, when they grow up, do not have to heal from their childhoods. Personally, I am a happy wife and a fulfilled mother of three children. is a project I create together with my husband, who shares with me a male perspective on parenting.

  • I conduct online consultations and family psychotherapy.

  • I am the author of online courses and guides for parents.

  • I conduct training for organizations and companies.

  • I share the support and knowledge that I so greatly needed at the beginning of my parenthood.

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